Lady Domina, Øyvind Slettvold
Da vi var på St Lucia etter ARCen i år, traff vi en kar som heter Stian. Vi ble enige om at han skulle bo i båten vår SY Coral IV, mens vi var hjemme i Norge. Da vi kom tilbake til St. Lucia rundt 1. mars, gitt Stian ombord i Lady Domina, en 73 fot selvbygget seilbåt som - etter hva vi forstår - har gått ca 15 år i Karibien med Øyvind Slettvold som skipper. Den 31. mars seilte de fra Guadeloupe med kurs for Azorene. Etter hva jeg forstår, var det to personer i tillegg til Stian.
SY Coral IV seilte fra St. Lucia i begynnelsen av mars, og brukte 21 dager til Azorene. Det var perioder med lite vind - og perioder med mye vind (50-60 kn og bølger på 10-12 meter).
Nå har Lady Domina vært i sjøen i nesten en måned, og foreldrene til Stian begynner å bli bekymret. Jeg ble kontaktet av hovedredningssentralen med spørsmål om jeg visste noe om hvordan Lady Domina var utstyrt. Det gjorde jeg ikke - men lovet å sende noen følere ut i seilmiljøet.
Altså - for å komme til saken: Er det noen av dere som kjenner Lady Domina eller Slettvold, og kan hjelpe med litt informasjon? Hvordan båten er utstyrt, og/eller nytt om hvordan båten og mannskap har det nå.
Etter nesten to maaneders soeking paa Cruisers Forum,og med en side beskuet mere enn 47.000 ganger,har moderatoren naa stengt innlegget da det ikke har fremkommet noe nytt samt for aa stoppe overfloedige og saarende innlegg. Vi takker alle ´medlemmer´av Cruisers Forum for all hjelp og stoette . Nye opplysninger vil heretter bli aa finne her.
Hello Auto, Thanks for posting this. It is a difficult situation for all people. You are welcome to contact me any time at or To be clear, I am not working in the capacity of attorney here. Only as a volunteer in hopes we can shed more light.
On another note, can any one tell us where Anders and Sitan joined the LD? We all thought is was in St. Martin. This is important to better identify the route of travel. Thanks. Tim
I am Otto - the one who started this blog after being contacted by the family Abrahamsen. I will contact you at the Sorgenfri Chat - or you may send a friend request at the Sorgenfri blog - and I will provide you with my e-mail adress. I will pass the pictures to the family.
One other thing I forgot to mention. I was sent some photographs of Stian Abrahamsen. The person who took the photos asked me to pass them along. He asked they not be made public. They were not taken on the Lady Domina. If someone could help me get these photos to the Abrahamsen family I would appreciate it. Tim
There has also been some discussion on the English board about me working for a legal liability law firm. I hope I put this to rest today. I am not here as an attorney. I don't practice liability law. It is way out of my jurisdiction. I did offer to go to Puerto Rico if the families wanted my help to form a search and help with that search. I also offered to help place this in the media on the rare chance there has been a hijacking. (rare chance). Years ago I ran a flight school so I understand charter aircraft companies and negotiating for flight time. I had suggested the five families pool funds as the French sailors families did. Also to raise funds from the community. I would have also liked to meet with the Coast Guard. That was almost a month ago. Now, the Coast Guard won't talk to us. I also offered to keep good records of the people I talk to. But never to be paid. I am not interested in making a profit on the tragedy of others. I wish you all the best of luck and a speedy return of this crew. Tim
That is lattitude, longitude.
That was pretty clear from the guys description, it was not the same couch. It did not sound like it was leather. The sailor kept very good notes including lat lon, so it was not just from his memory.
Takk Tone for oppklaring.
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