Sailing the Farm late september 2015

Hi everyone!

Another productive month and our boat hopefully soon to be in water.

Farm news:

The bee-seeason is finished for this year, each hive have got around
20 kg, so now they are ready to have their well-deserved winter
holiday for next 7 months. The potatoes is still in the soil, but we
will harvest them pretty soon.

Boat News.

Still some days delays with the shipment of the boat to Oslo.
The engine is ready to start soon. we just need a little work with the
dry exhaust. Else it looks really good.

All welding work outside the hull is finished. We will paint the
underwater part of the boat with expoxy primer this week. Then start
to tear down the boatshed. Soon our metal-lady will see the sun for
the first time.

We still look for potential crew for the first leg of sailing,
especially if you have good knowledge of gaff-rig adjustment and
sailing, we would love to hear from you.  Also look for some last
minute volunters to help clean up the farm for the winter. Please
contact us if you have some spare time in october.

Pictures of the month:

a: Flagmaking lady working on even more guestflags. Still a little
   work until we have them all.
b: engine is in and wired up. Just need some work on the exhaust part
   before its ready to push us up Amazon river and beyond.
c: welding lady at work.
d: making wooden box for binocular.
e: welding up the locking mechanism of the main-hatch

Love from Sailing the farm

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Hei Seiling farm

Prosjektet deres ser helt herlig ut. Tenk en båt som ikke tar inn vann, men er helt tett. skulle gjerne vært med en leg eller to. Meld fra viss du trenger en oldis om bord. Er ex lærer og snakker enge og tysk.

Hilsen Per


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